IMC Campaign
Integrated Communications Campaign for FIAT 500e
Final Project for Integrated Campaigns, Fall 2014
The task was to develop an IMC Campaign for the FIAT® 500e. The campaign suggested is a campaign to launch the vehicle into the South Florida market with a limited budget for local marketing. This semester-long project encompasses primary and secondary research; market analysis; definition of the target market, campaign goals, strategies and tactics; development of a creative brief and branded marketing and promotional elements. To download the file, please click the pdf logo to the left. Please note that this is the final project for a class, thus, appropiate citations and resources can be found on the document.

Online Business
Creation of a Start-up Business Plan
Final Project for E-Marketing Design, Fall 2014
Creation of a business plan and a website for a startup company designed by the group. Ariadna was responsible for the following tasks in this project: market research and analysis, brand development, strategizing online marketing activities to introduce customers to the company and the sales funnel, development of a conversion or sales strategy, and website design. To visit the mock website created for the assignment, click here. To download the business plan, click the pdf logo to the left.
Social Media Plan
Development of Social Media Presence for Casa Mia Trattoria
Project for Social Media and E-Marketing Design, Spring 2014
The project consisted on developing branded social media presence for a small business and outlining the strategies to be utilized to engage followers in a Social Media Plan. Project included the following tasks for which Ariadna was completely responsible for: execution of branded strategies on social media platforms, improvement of the restaurant's website (including SEO) and development of branded newsletters. To visit the new website please click here. To visit their Facebook page click here.

Expansion of Dasani's Marketing Activities
Project for Marketing Management, Fall 2013
The task was to develop a Marketing Plan to expand the marketing activities of an existing product. The chosen product was Dasani and the marketing campaign proposed was related to the Sochi Winter Olympics. To download the entire marketing plan, please click the pdf logo to the left. This project encompasses research and market analysis, market segmentation, branding, and developing a marketing and promotional strategy.
Marketing Plan

Multimedia Story
Final Project for Multimedia Production, Fall 2013
Creation of a website narrating the story of Bryan Person, a homeless person living in Downtown, Miami. This multimedia story incorporates audio, video, photography and other online tools like maps and infographics to share Bryan's story and daily life. This project was executed and edited in its entirety by Ariadna. To visit the website and get a closer look at her ability to capture stories and communicate a message through different media please click here.

Dualism in Greek Mythology
Final Project for Honors Class, Fall 2013
As a digital and visual artist, Ariadna decided to illustrate two Greek myths and portray their symbols and emotions through her artistic creations. She created this art from existing images carefully selected to fulfill her creative vision. This project also symbolizes Ariadna's Greek heritage.
Visual Metaphor
Visual metaphor advertisement
Project for Visual Design Class, Spring 2013
The challenge was to portray a product's attribute using a visual metaphor that consumers would clearly understand, transmitting a message directly through the use of images. I created this ad for the product Veet, a depilatory product whose target market is young and adult women. For that reason, I chose to portray the woman's legs and high heels.

Created by Ariadna Berrocal

Created by Ariadna Berrocal
Local Marketing
Creation of a local marketing campaign for McDonalds
Project for Advanced Print Concepts Class,
Spring 2014
Worked with the Director of local marketing of 25 McDonald's to create awareness and generate sales based on promotions for college students. The project introduced new ideas by which students could be engaged with the brand and driven to the nearest McDonalds to enjoy a free cup of coffee or 20% discounts with their student ID.
Radio Script
Radio Script for PEDIGREE
Project for Radio and Television Class, Spring 2014
The challenge was to shine a new line on PEDIGREE since it has been sticking to three distinct campaigns only. Ariadna created this script for PEDIGREE, targeting mostly young adults who are active and also pet-lovers. The targeting is reflected in the content of the script and the story portrayed. To download, please click the PDF link.

Online publication of a feature story on a journalism professional
Final Project for Introduction to Journalism class in the University of Costa Rica.
After conducting an interview with a journalism professional, our team was to present our results in a creative way. We created an online publication in the form of a feature story in a magazine. I was responsible for the entire layout of the publication, the graphic design, making formatting and color decisions and putting the entire publication together. This work was originally published here.
Editing and Design

Just a sample of my work.
Because of privacy, copyright and trademark rights, I am unable to share the work I developed with Telemundo Media.
To see more or discuss possible work: